Privateering Chronology

An Englishman called Wite was captured and charged with piracy along with two Jerseymen,
Barnabé Le Quesne and Sebastian Alexandre. Alexandre was reprieved while Wite was hung in
chains overlooking St Catherine's and Le Quesne suffered a similar fate at Noirmont.

1642-1651 English Civil War 12 privateers licensed by George Carteret take 125 prizes

1689 King William III bans all trade with France.

1692-97 The eight Jersey privateers captured 46 prizes.

1703-1711 In the period 1703-1711 there were 38 Jersey privateers which took 151 prizes.

1757 Captain Le Cronier of La Defiance captures 9 prizes worth 486,440 livres

1778 According to a French Commander in Cherbourg over 150 prizes were taken by Jersey privateers in
this year. The
Lively, a Jersey privateer was captured and the crew were held prisoner in La

1793-1795 42 Jersey boats were captured by French privateers. This was two thirds of the island's shipping.

1798 The privateer Herald engages three French ships in the Bay of Naples.

1806 258 Jersey seamen held as prisoners of war by the French.

In two months Robert Surcouf, a corsair (privateer) from St Malo, captured prizes worth nearly
30,000 livres

1856 Declaration of Paris specifically bans privateering.


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